
SamenDurable | Sustainability across the language borders

Third and last event of Regards Croisés, a project that explores advanced practices for a sustainable cultural sector in Ghent, Liège and Brussels. The topic of this session are the specific skills and strenghts that characterise the cultural sector.

Regards Croisés is a series of three events organised by the Pulse Transition Network, EventChange and SamenDurable, in which we look across the language border and learn from each other advanced practices for a sustainable cultural sector.

While the first encounter in Théâtre de Liège (19/02) focussed on infrastructure and the second one in VierNulVier and Greentrack Gent (26/03) looks at the role of networks, the third and last event in Globe Aroma in Brussels (21/05) will depart from the specific skills and strengths that characterise the cultural sector. Skills that have not gone unnoticed, when it comes to transition: innovation,
imagination, risk taking, navigating chaos, agility and contrarian thinking, as well as social sensitivity,
connection and empathy etc.

Artistic thinking and handling can provoke our imagination and encourage radical forms of changing our perception. Is this not exactly what we need these days? What value do these artistic skills have in times of crises and complexity? How can we best apply them, both as a tool for partnerships outside the artistic field, as much as within our ‘own’ transition? How can we - as agents and actors of those artistic skills - contribute to solutions that serve society at large?

Expect a day with lectures, workshops and discussion tables in which we exchange views on the role of art and culture in the poly-crises and the crucial paradigm shift we can enforce, once the unique role of art and culture would no longer be considered a luxury, but recognised as a social necessity.

09h30 door opening Globe Aroma
10h00 - 10h20 Welcome by An Vandermeulen, coordinator Globe Aroma,
followed by a short looking back at the experiences in Liège and Ghent by Lili Brodbeck
(EventChange) and Ruben Arnaerts (Pulse).

Radical times ask for radical solutions
10h20 - 11h20 the floor is to the artists: Maxime Arnould et Aurélien Leforestier (Collectif 3e
Vague), Christophe Meierhans et Jeff De Maeyer (Terreurwilg)

Coffee Break

Lost in Transition
11h30 - 12h00 Keynote Elena Polivtseva (international researcher cultural policies)
An urgent quest for a green cultural policy and defining the role of the arts in the green transition:
moving beyond passions, doubts, and recognition gaps

Lunch Break

Agissons !
14h00 - 15h30 Four parallel working tables :

  • Transversal working: Tom Stevens (Reset) and Adrienne Nizet (The Shift)
    How can we benefit from each others skills? What tools, protocols and policies do we need to encourage transversal collaboration?
  • Climate policies tailored to the sector: An Overbergh (Kunstenpunt)
    What policy instruments do we need to realise our (climate) action plans? How do we do this in a way that fits the DNA of the sector ?
  • Art, transition and social cohesion: Benoît De Wael (Parc Poetik) and Anne Watthee (Cultureghem)
    How do we deal with the tensions between the institutionalised conception of artistic value and socially engaged artistic practices 
  • The artistic practice as model: Nicolas Galeazzi and Laura Loriol (State of the Arts)
    Why is the voice of artists of specific importance in social and political debate in times of transition

Tea break


15h45 - 16h30 Conclusions of the working tables, final word and future prospection

Register via this link >>>

SamenDurable is an initiative of the Brussels networks RAB/BKO, Brussels Museums, La Concertation, in close collaboration with EventChange and Pulse Transit Network. SamenDurable is supported by the National Lottery, the City of Brussels and Culture Culture (Flemish Community and Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles)


Practical info

21 May 2024
