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Ohme | Residentie “biometrie en live performance”

Oproep tot kandidaatstelling voor een residentie rond het thema biometrie in live performance.

[Deze oproep is enkel beschikbaar in het Engels]

Each year, Ohme supports and offers its expertise to several artists in artistic and technical residencies. Through this initiative, and according to the specific needs of each artist, Ohme actively supports the conception and the conception and production of innovative artistic projects, provides solid technical and scientific support in research and development, networks with experts and researchers, and promotes exchanges between art, science and technology.

Together with Pilar (House of Art and Science of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels – VUB) and FARI (Research Institute in AI, data & Robotics for the Common Good in Brussels), Ohme is launching an open call for an artist residency focused on exploring the interactions between biometric technologies and human expression in live performance.

This residency takes place in the wider framework of biometrika, an artistic and technical long term project exploring the potential of biometrics at the service of the live performance.

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