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Argos | Dien je werk in voor mediakunstfestival Div.fuse

We want to exhibit your media art project at our media art festival Div.fuse in December, where we will showcase the work of emerging talent. In the exhibition in Argos you will see artist films, audio performances and installations that explore the boundaries between art and technology. And you can be part of that.

[Deze oproep is beschikbaar in het Engels en in het Frans]

Are you an artist yourself and does your work fall within the broad definition of media art: from game art to performance and from bio art to sound art? And would you like to be part of a professional group exhibition? Then Div.fuse is a festival for you. Submit your own work through September 30. The exhibition runs from December 5 to 15 in Argos in Brussels.

Submit your work

About the festival

Does the internet inspire you? Are you into film, coding or making your own electronic instruments? Then Div.fuse might be for you.

For four days you can come and experience everything media art, video and technology has to offer in Argos. Through workshops you explore the fab lab, become acquainted with new techniques or learn to refine your own work. At the exhibition or during the lectures you will become acquainted with the work of other artists.

After all, the festival is a meeting place of styles, ideas and people, a community of media artists. You will get to know other makers and organizations and can have a drink in the foyer and discuss the works.

About Div.fuse


The exhibition in Argos shows the work of ten media artists. The selection will be made from the submissions from the open call above and a previous call for project funding. Submissions for the open call can be submitted until September 30.

Deadline: 30/09/2024

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