Fellowship-programma voor maatschappelijk geëngageerde kunsten

The Alliance for Socially Engaged Arts Fellowship is een transformatief programma dat is ontworpen om visionaire maatschappelijke- en sociaal geëngageerde leiders van kunstorganisaties in heel Europa met elkaar te verbinden en te ondersteunen.

[Deze oproep is enkel beschikbaar in het Engels]

Across Europe, socially engaged arts organisations are tackling some of the most pressing societal issues, from inequality and migration to climate change. These organisations, artists, and cultural practitioners harness the power of the arts to connect communities, spark dialogue, and drive social change. Yet they remain undervalued, with insufficient representation in policy, funding, and public recognition.

Georganiseerd door Culture Action Europe and partners Stichting Fitzcarraldo en Het Publieksbureau, The Alliance for Socially Engaged Arts Fellowship is a transformative programme designed to connect and support visionary leaders of arts organisations focused on community engagement and social change across Europe. This unique opportunity offers a collaborative space to strengthen your organisation, enhance your professional development, and drive impactful advocacy efforts. The programme will welcome up to 15 leaders from diverse artistic disciplines and societal issues who will collaborate to overcome challenges, share experiences, and develop innovative solutions that foster greater impact within their local communities and the broader arts sector in Europe. The fellowship is part of the Alliantie voor maatschappelijk geëngageerde kunsten, a group of 11 leading European philanthropic foundations aimed at championing the power of socially engaged arts in driving meaningful social change across the continent.

Starting in June 2025 and ending in November 2026, this programme will support personal growth, organisational development, and collaborative learning. The Fellowship will support each Fellow in overcoming a key challenge or exploring a new opportunity within their organisation or community through the development of a ‘leading question’. It will take Fellows on an interconnected journey to amplify the impact of socially engaged arts. Over the 18-month programme, the Alliance will support up to 15 leaders of arts organisations focused on community engagement and social change across Europe.

Each fellow and their organisation will receive

  • a €60,000 Euro grant,
  • access to online workshops, mentorship and support to scale impact, as well as
  • immersive residential experiences, study visits and exchanges.

Fellows will

  • identify specific challenges or opportunities for change individually or within their organisation, while gaining more confidence, skills and knowledge to tackle challenges.
  • look at their organisation’s needs and aspirations, turning personal growth into strategies that boost their organisation’s ability to advocate for greater impact.
  • reflect on common challenges facing the sector and explore how their efforts can lead to systemic change, reshape narratives and drive advocacy for socially engaged arts across Europe.

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